
The Autism Society of Ohio is a volunteer-led organization. We respond to contacts quickly, but sometimes there is a delay. Please be patient.

Regarding Information & Referrals

Autism Society of Ohio does not endorse any specific treatments, programs, therapies, or professionals providing those therapies.  All information is provided FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  Parents and advocates are responsible for choosing any treatment, therapy or service provider.  Including any information or organization in this communication does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply disapproval.

We do not provide legal, medical, or psychiatric services. If you require financial, legal, or medical advice, you should consult an appropriately qualified professional.


Information provided is kept confidential except as required by law. When users share personal data, such as their name, diagnosis, county of residence, etc., it is used solely for administrative, statistical, and other purposes directly related to our charitable purpose.