

Third-Party Fundraising​

We are grateful that you, your business or organization are considering raising money for the Autism Society Ohio This kind of “third-party” fundraising is hugely helpful in helping us fulfill our mission fo serving Mahoning Valley families living with autism – and it can be a lot of fun for you too! EVERYBODY wins!

Types of Third-Party Fundraisers​

Beneficiary Event – A group or individual can host an event or sponsor an activity and make ASO the beneficiary. Example: You organize a book sale and give ASO the proceeds.

Participatory Event – A group or individual wants to add a charitable element to their event to increase potential participation. ASO can serve that purpose and then hosts an information table with raffle basket at event. Example: A company hosts their annual holiday party and asks employees to bring donations for ASO.  

Collaborative Event –  ASO cooperatively produces an event and share in the profits. Example: A local business invites ASO to participate in a grand opening. ASO sends out press release, invites and provides volunteers to work at the event.  In return, ASO receives a percentage of the proceeds from the day’s sales.

How does your fundraising support the autism community?

Inclusive Family Events –   All individuals with autism and their families should be able to be in their community every day and enjoy activities like their neurotypical peers.  We provide a strong community so that our families can get out into the community and be supported. Our inclusive events include our monthly Family Outing Program, Camp FRIEND, Seasonal Events, Mini Grant programs , and much more.

Social skills and Independence – Our Social Connections teen and adult social program allows individuals to come together to form friendships, find new leisure skills, and gain independence in the community. These skills then help our individuals to be more successful at school, work and in their community outside of our group program.  Although there is a fee to participate in some of our programs, many are free and others are greatly reduced by donor dollars and grant funding. 

Help Line and Support Program – We provide free information and referral to services connecting those in need with the best local, state and national resources through our Help Line. We also support caregivers through our monthly support group for our parents and grandparents, as well as a monthly Moms Night Out and quarterly Dads Night Out.  When parents are supported they are able to better support their loved one with autism and the entire family.

We want your event to be a success! Please share your idea with us below so we can assist you with materials, tips and advice! If you have additional questions regarding third-party fundraisers, please contact us for help and ideas at (330) 333-9609

Third Party Fundraising Submission Form

Please fill in the information below and a staff member will contact you to assist in making your event a success!